Tool's Production
Our tool shop has more than ten years of tradition in the field of making and maintaining tools for transforming tin and for extrusion of soft PVC.
The tool shop is an important link in the entire process of developing and manufacturing products for our customers, because it enables us to manage key processes and allows us a comprehensive implementation of the production process. The tool shop is used for our own purposes as well as for fulfilling customers’ orders.
Machinery Fleet
CNC MITSUBISHI FX 30K wire erosion
CNC 3D HURCO WMX 64 milling machine
CNC MITSUBISHI EX 30 sink erosion
ALG milling machine
Plate grinding machine
Sharp grinding
Department for making new tools and maintaining old tools

Technical Support and Quality
Detailed designing with computer simulation and quality manufacture on the latest machines is only a part of the product development process. During quality control, we perform tests, assembly and suitable start-up within the agreed upon time frame. The above mentioned implemented procedures make it possible for us and our customers to carry out effective and regular production.
Besides quality services, we also provide regular maintenance services for your tools and larger repair work of tools.