Turna d.o.o. and its subsidiaries is an important supplier of components for the white goods and household appliances industries. As an already established supplier in this branch, we have been affirmed as the most suitable lessee of “Aha Secaplast d.o.o. - under receivership“.
For this purpose, we established Turnaplast d.o.o. as part of which we will be continuing and developing existing activities. We have taken over the activities of “Aha Secaplast d.o.o. - under receivership” in their entirety (leasing facilities and machinery). Thus at the start of 2016 Turnaplast d.o.o. began with regular manufacture and products supply for existing and new customers.
With our business partners, we wish to establish transactions that in the past were bound to Aha Secaplast and thus to preserve the trust the Turna Group enjoys in the newly established Turnaplast as well. We believe that together we can ensure a successful and quality partnership cooperation and restore the customers’, suppliers’, employees’ and other participants’ the trust in this company.